About the Artist

I have always dabbled in art one way or another. My long term art studies started around 2001 while going into Philadelphia to the Fleisher Art Memorial for live drawing studies and to reintroduce myself to the basics, and advanced disciplines of the art process. From that time on I have not looked back.

I have studied and practiced many art mediums... Pencil, Ink, Watercolor, Acrylics, and Oil mediums and in many styles, landscape, portrait, abstract, contemporary. By studying these mediums as used by the masters in their craft, I have developed a style that is pleasing to my eye and hopefully enjoyed by others.

Over time, I have found the simplicity and elegance of Pen and Ink drawing, which has always had a special place in my art. This and acrylic painting is presently my focus.

Short Version

  • I'm a well rounded artist, who's focus is "Pen and Ink drawing" and "Acrylic painting".

  • I continually search for new ways to experiment and improve my art style.

  • I thoroughly enjoy creating art, but love it even more when others enjoy my art also.

  • Presently, I exhibit in the Philadelphia area and the surrounding counties.

About the Art

Black and white art has stood the test of time.

Black and White Art, or Monochrome art, has always been enjoyed by many, because of its simple elegance. Our eye tends to focus on the composition without colors that often distract us from the mechanics of an art piece. We can more easily see what really makes an art piece work when color is not present.

Without color a artist must be more creative and exacting throughout the process to have a piece come together with all of the value and tonal changes. Our eye can detect more shades of gray in a black and white photograph than shades of color in a color image.

Black and white art fits almost any environment where it is placed and does not compete with other colors or styles within a space. The same black and white art piece often will fit into a old farm house in the country, or look just as wonderful in the city penthouse.

The lack of color often makes an artist complement an art piece with more details to make up for no color. Many people like this aspect. By removing color and adding detail, viewers often appreciate the effort and technical skill put into the art piece.

Many people ask, why do I sign my art with the name , Sregor ?

The name "Sregor" was derived from spelling my last name "Rogers" backwards.

Overtime, I have found that there are, and were, many highly talented people (Artists, Musicians, Politicians, Golfers, etc.) with my given name. When I finally decided to share my art with more people, online and to the public, I found that I was getting lost in the mix of dozens of gifted people. So, after studying the subject of branding, I decided that I would need to be unique with my identity, style, and presentation.

Since, 2020 I have used this signature on my works, online presence, and gallery shows.